Friday, November 14, 2008



There is a lot of meaning contained in that one word. One word that causes joy, elation, sorrow, depression, and most usually confusion. I have been pondering most of my life relationships recently. What do they mean to me? Why are they important? What are the things that I am willing to forgive, and what are the things that are unforgivable? Is complicated a bad thing? Is everyone complicated? Even just a year ago, my answer to most of these questions would have been quite different. It seems that no matter how much we "mature" there is always the possibility for drama worthy of a high school prom queen. I see this in most peoples lives, of all ages. There is always a person who wants to argue, wants to create a situation. Even if they seem much past the point of such adolescent behavior, they can still stir it up with the best of them.
I also wonder how unrealistic some expectations are. There is no "perfect" relationship. If you see someone, and think they have it, you are mistaken. No one is 100% happy, 100% of the time. Most people have some sort of baggage that they will bring into a relationship. I just wonder how much that baggage will affect the success of the relationship. This is more of an introspective thought -- I have certain 'issues' that I bring to the table -- based largely on past relationship experiences. Does that make me condemned to repeat my actions with those I love? I certainly hope not.

Before this gets too blabby or personal, I will sign off.
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Kris said...

I like how you elated to the drama of relationships being suitable for a high school prom queen. sometimes, i think that my life is high school, but gayer. lol. and i wonder if some people in relationships bring drama in because that is what fuels them (ie i think you know what i mean by this). also, no relationship is perfect, and sometimes that is hard to grasp since we are raised on Disney Princess ideals of perfection and the white knight coming in on the white horse with the glass slipper.

Where is the glass slipper now? It has shattered at our feet as we mature and realize that shoe never fits. The dreams that we have will never come into existance. And we must accept the realities that are before us to the best of our ability.