Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Just a little something I wrote today... it feels unfinished, but I thought I'd share it.

Despite the fact that I have not seen a single drop of rain, the ground is soaked. Droopy leaves are all huddled together, doing their best to continue shouting that fall is still here! Winter has not yet driven us away! The blacktop driveway is glistening, like some sort of strange, tar ice pit. While the sky resembles weather approaching a storm, it seems that somehow everything is just WET. It is a shame that it has happened this way. I actually enjoy the sound rain falling -- to skip my favorite part of an otherwise miserable activity is a pretty disappointing. No matter -- in a few minutes the sky has opened up, and I can barely see across the street through the downpour. The sound is like a breeze blowing through a thousand trees, leaves quivering with the excitement of so much wet and motion. Once the rain has slowed so the outdoors are once again visible, I notice that everything seems a bit more vibrant. It is always like this with the rain… the grass seems greener, cheering on the nutritious shower; trees somehow seem taller, their branches outstretched to drink in every drop possible; even cars look newer, shining with the fresh coat of gloss. It is amazing to me that all of this has happened in the span of half an hour… wind and water working together to refresh, rejuvenate.

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