Am I the only one who sees all the hype about Susan Boyle as a backhanded compliment?
Don't get me wrong -- I loved her song. She did a great job, and I think she has a brilliant voice. But, I guess I wasn't as shocked as everyone else was. I didn't know that looks = talent... in fact, I've never really been on that train. We can have hotty-mchotpants like Britney Spears who obviously have no talent, and are simply manufactured, socially acceptable pornless porn-stars. (ok, she might not be so pornless)
She has been called everything from Ugly to Homely to a real life shrek. WHAT?! Ok, now I realize this woman is not winning any modern beauty contests but HONESTLY. Are we really this shallow? Really?
I really loved watching that Youtube clip of her. To me, the performance isn't moving because of her apperance- I'm moved by her song because she is fufilling her dream. She never quit trying, and she never lost sight of what was important to her. I'd love to see her on Broadway someday. I don't think it's a lesson in "judging a book" but rather one in beleiving in yourself. I certainly feel inspired by her :D
Agreed! I think she's got an amazing voice, and it's very inspiring that after wanting this for so many years she hasn't given up :) I just couldn't believe the horribly shallow public reaction!!
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