I feel that "these days" most people have tattoos. It's a pretty common place thing, and even the most bedecked of people don't get super strange looks from our generation. I have 2. And I love my 2. But I want many many more. The image to the right is what I would like, most likely, my next one to be. As it stands this is one of at least 5 tattoos I plan to get -- and I'm sure I'll end up wanting more. I don't plan to go on my arms or lower legs, and I want to leave my stomach area alone, so that should I ever be pregnant I won't end up with enormous blobs. A lot of people (especially elder folks) tell me how much I'll regret it when I'm older and such, but I honestly don't think I will. All the things I do have meaning to me , and when I'm older they will simply be reminders of parts of my life.
Having said all this I am really looking forward to having my next one done, although I don't know when that will be -- tattoos can get expensive, and some of the ones I want are larger and a bit more involved. Although, This one isn't too bad. So, we'll see. Anyhoodle, I hope I end up with some new ink shortly, so I can share it here.
(didja catch that Salty?)
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