Sunday, January 25, 2009


I think I will begin posting excerpts of what I one day hope to become my book. It's kind of a scary thing, and sometimes when I think about writing this book, and putting all my shit out there for the world to see, I become terrified and feel that maybe I shouldn't do it. Seeing as how I think very few people read this blog, I figured it would be a good way for me to get over it. Gotta happen sometime.

You are never alone. If there is nothing else that you are able to take away from this, I ask that you, dear reader, remember these four words. It has taken a short lifetime for me to fully understand the weight of those words. Often times the ones who are there for you, are the people who you would never think to look to. The strength and compassion of strangers is grossly underestimated by those who feel completely alone. I ask that just for a minute you consider me to be this stranger. While I am not you, and have not been through your circumstances, I can relate to the most devastating heart breaks, I understand the worthless feeling of being abused mentally, physically, spiritually, and I still know the feeling of emptiness and loss that comes from losing the most important person in your life. While I have not walked in your shoes, please allow me to walk beside you in this journey. Walking alone is much too painful.

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