Friday, January 30, 2009


I was looking through pictures last weekend with one of my friends. After pulling the enormous box out of the closet, sifting through the 8 or 9 photo albums and countless number of Wal Mart developing envelopes, I realize I really don’t look at these pictures enough. It is always fun to think about people who are no longer present every day, who used to be an integral part of your life. It is not, however, fun to have photographic proof that I have indeed gained 20 pounds since college. I supposed I’ve got more curves now, and that makes it ok. Yea. Me and Jessica Simpson. Aside from that realization, and the one where I change my hair WAY too much,

Ok, break. I’m trying to listen to music and write at the same time. It never works. I need silence. Strange? It is the only time I need silence. However, Juno Soundtrack rocks my world.

Ok. Now perhaps my sentences will be more coherent.

Realizations… where was I going with this? Oh, right. Just that the memories that I have of certain people are only in the moments of these photographs. While they may be a completely different person now, I’ll still think of that friend as the pseudo alcoholic who didn’t go to class enough, or that ex as the one I should have treated better, but has a bit of a drug problem. I realized I categorized my old friends this way last summer. After reconciling with a friend from an awful situation, I told him that I had developed this caricature of the person he really was/is. I pick out the parts of people I want to remember, and forget the rest. Needless to say, it is usually easier to remember the bad things about people, because if they were so good, wouldn’t you still be friends?

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