First, let me apologize for the lack of substance in my recent updates. My brain is sad, pathetic mush and I can't offer you much more than these obscure updates, for fear of word-vomiting all over my blog and scaring the 5 people who actually do read this away.
This weekend was blah because it was mother's day weekend, but I did manage to keep myself busy. Saturday I went to the Beer, Bourbon and BBQ festival in South Charlotte, and drank a decent amount outside in the blazing sun. Saturday evening Hub and I went to Thomas Street Tavern, which was fabulous. I wore my new fedora, and loved it. I think other people think I'm a bit nuts, but I guess I like it that way.
Sunday I tried to ignore the fact that it was mother's day, other than a text to my sisters. Instead I went and saw Star Trek. Now, I've been pretty excited about this coming out -- when I was younger, my dad used to have the whole family sit down and enjoy episodes of Star Trek together. We mostly watched the Next Generation, but I'm still a fan of the original. Let me just tell you these 2 things: 1) It. Rocked. My. World. Seriously. 2) Whoever wrote the script did it BRILLIANTLY. They managed to "reset" the series so that they can now do whatever they want, with out pissing off fans of the original (although, i'm sure there are some irate fans).
Even if you're NOT a Star Trek fan, but like Sci-Fi (ie, Firefly, Heroes) I recommend just giving this movie a chance. It was stellar.
Live long and Prosper.
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