I must say, my weekend rocked.
There was nothing overtly spectacular about it -- did the crawl, went to Raleigh to Hang out with the Swanson crew and stopped in Chapel Hill to see The Great. It is always encouraging to me to spend time with people I love, who are honest and supportive, especially since the big move. We spent a lot of time playing the ever popular rock band, and it... well, rocked!
I always become introspective on the drive home from visiting people, mainly because I have open road and no one to talk to (The Hub always sleeps). Visiting Mama Swanson just made me think about the time I spend going to visit her at college -- a period of time I feel that I some how forgot about. It was right around the time my mom died, and I was a mess. I made lots of poor life decisions, and treated people like crap who didn't deserve it. I didn't finish college, and just generally had no regard for anyone but myself. It is painful to remember how selfish I acted, and even more painful to know my friends understood why I acted that way and continued to love me. This makes me ridiculously thankful for my awesome friends who put up with all my crap, and had late night conversations about nothing and everything, plus offered me massive cuddle time when I most needed it (the biggest honor on that goes to CarCar). Basically, reflecting back on all that time seems foreign. It is like I watched a movie about it, and am trying to recall the details.
When mentioning to Mama Swanson that I was a total slacker, and finally getting my butt into gear and going back to college, she very graciously reminded me that I was in fact dealing with things that most people don't deal with at my age, and it is perfectly acceptable its taken me a while to get my shit together. I know I don't need approval from anyone, but it's nice to know I have it anyway.
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