I'll get to the picture in a moment... for now I'd like to update you on life events.
First off Hub is scheduled for surgery for April 1st -- they are going to remove the gall bladder and take a liver biopsy to make sure that there is nothing underlying going on, since his appendix just quit on him, and his bilirubin levels have been high since before that happened. He's got to be on a low fat, low spice diet till that happens, and he is not too happy about it, although I think it really hasn't affected his diet as much as he thinks it has. Whew.
My Big Sister is here!!!! YAY! She's on her spring break and so decided to load up her Beagle and visit :) Which is really nice because she's coming back down this way next week for our little sisters Army boot camp graduation! Oh, Sisters. How you enrich my life. Anyway, she's here till Saturdayish, and we're going to go out tomorrow night and have sisterly fun. I'm also making corned beef at her request (she called me the other day to ask if you could make corned shrimp -- I guess you could), which the Hub can't eat because of that whole low fat diet thing. I decided to just be irish about it and make cabbage and mashed potatoes as well -- so I'm looking forward to all that.
Ok. The Vespa. I don't know a lot about them, really, other than they are awesome and get kickin' gas mileage, but I've decided I want one. For real. I doubt this will happen anytime in the near future, but I know I want one that can go at least 60, and other than that I don't know enough to have requirements. I like the paint job on this one (it was a special edition Gap/Vespa collaboration for the holidays) and would generally like to find a quirky looking one.
I don't care what you say, I think they are awesome.
1 comment:
Dear god, why would you ever want a vespa to go 60? That sounds neither right nor safe!
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