Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Recently I've been very reflective. Along with my decision to go back to school, I have been evaluating the things in my life that make me happy and fulfilled. With this comes a lot of reminiscing, and so I decided to look up my old blog, which was on livejournal. HOLY SHIT, is all I have to say.
I started that journal back in 2004 (5 years ago?! wow) and the changes in myself are monumental. Obviously some things haven't changed -- I still feel insecure sometimes, I still feel like I never make enough time for my friends, I always wish I could travel more. My writing has definitely changed, although I must say some of the poems I wrote and posted aren't so bad. There are so many people mentioned in my previous journal who I just don't speak to anymore... it's a weird feeling.
The journal entries are random, and I just put whatever thoughts I had into the journal, without any real regard for my own privacy (I may just think this because I know all of the stories behind the entries). They are not particularly well thought out, and very few of them make good points, but it is crazy to be able to look back and see what I was thinking at what points.
Twenty has read some of it, as well, and makes the point of how young we were. Not that in the five years since I started that journal we have suddenly become wise, but so many things are different. She and I were college room mates and always acted ridiculous together (which we still do). Our relationship is much more mature, or at least more honest and open, and we as people want different things.
I guess looking back at all the insanity I wouldn't change the decisions I've made. I'm still not entirely sure who I am or where I am going, but I look forward to coming back to this journal one day and seeing the major changes in myself.

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