Monday, March 2, 2009


I'm going to write about something that is a little embarrassing to admit, but has become a huge annoyance in my life: I have a cockroach problem. Not like an infestation, but one every couple days or so. Apparently this is one of the problems with living in the Southeastern part of the US. And these are no wimpy cockroaches, my friends. These are enormous American Coackroaches. They randomly appear and gross me out and I always have to kill them.

For instance:

This weekend I was in the kitchen cooking. Imagine my surprise when I turn around and out of nowhere there was a cockroach the size of my thumb chilling on the wall. It was right above Simon's kennel, so after pulling that out of the way I grabbed the "kills on contact" roach spray. This spray LIED to me. After months of killing these cockroaches with a bleach cleaning product, I decided I would get an actual roach spray. Well let me tell you, the bleach worked better. After giving up with the "on contact kill" I just tried to drown it. It started to slow down, which is a plus because these fuckers are fast, so I stepped on it. AND IT DIDN'T DIE. Attempt nubmer 2 at squashing was MUCH more violent because, well, i was pissed. Finally, dead cockroach. Which i now have to pick up and continue to be disguisted by.

Basically these things are just gross and there is no way to stop them from coming in, especially when it is cold outside.

I hope I have sufficiently grossed everyone else out.

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