It has recently come to my attention that there are tons of people that I check up on daily who I only know by means of the interwebs. I have a strong, unhealthy obsession with being online, and follow way more blogs/comics/vlogs than is probably really normal for a sane person. So, I've decided that when the mood should strike me I'll be be posting "People I am Friends with (only on the internet, not IRL, but if they wanted to be my friend I totally would be)". Yes, the title needs some work. I'll get there. I will be begining this segment with the person who is probably my most favorite... Liz Feldman. She currently has a vlog on afterellen.com in which she acts completely adorable and interviews other people I would also like to meet. After doing a little bit of research I found that I have actually been a fan of hers for about 15 years -- I just didn't know it at the time. You see, she was a writer on All That, a show that I am not ashamed to say I watched avidly as a pre teen. (C'mon, you know you did, too) I mean, we all remember Lori Beth, right? Oh, Nickolodeon. I digress.
Aside from All That, she has written for the Ellen Degeneres show which I love, love, love. She does stand up comedy, and is just basically awesome. So, she now does this Vlog for AfterEllen called "This Just Out with Liz Feldman" and I can't stop watching it! She bascially drinks alcohol and talks about whatever the hell she feels like. She has incredibly endearing facial expressions, and always giggles at her own jokes. Plus, she wears an amazing blazer. ::Swoon:: She has hillarious interactions with her celebrity (or celesbian, as she says) guests, often carrying out ridiculous jokes in which she only refers them as a character, or ends up with 7 minutes in heavan behind a curtain. One of her friends, Raimy, always makes an appearance and enlightens watchers with current and hip music choices. Overall, I think she is absolutely adorable and would like to make the proclomation that she is, in fact, my friend. Even if it's just online.
1 comment:
are you in love with Liz Feldman???? I think you might be.
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