These last few days have been a roller coaster of emotion. As Foo Foo says "You got all the crying genes in the family". And I did. And I utilized them quite frequently over the last few days. It's what I do.
Despite my best efforts, I was not fully prepared for visiting my little sister on the base that she spent eleven weeks being turned into a Soldier, becoming "Army Strong". I was not prepared for the formations of youth in unflattering fatigues, or the Army Motto that they would loudly recite, putting themselves on the bottom of their lists. Country and Fellow Comrades win everything. I was unprepared for the deceleration that these soldiers, these sisters/daughters/brothers/mothers/lovers, would in any situation destroy their enemy. Regardless of the fact that I have known my little sister is in the military, I believe I failed to grasped what it meant. She signed a contract that she would sacrifice her life for her country... that she would follow orders of combat when necessary. Now, Foo Foo's job shouldn't put her in combat situations, but it is the thought of this person who I have known always, my sister who has been an avid pageant participator, is now capable and trained to defend herself and her brothers and sisters in the military. Wow.
Ok, before I get too depressing on the situation I will also state how immensely PROUD I am of her dedication. Completing basic training is no small feat, and the responsibility and loyalty that she is showing is amazing. Regardless of how I feel about what battles we as a country are fighting, I am proud that my little sister, and all the other brave soldier out there, are choosing to protect and serve their country, and the rights of those in the country. (I'm fairly certain I've never made such a patriotic statement...)
Alright, I'm closing out before I get too weepy again... I'll give a more detailed description of the craziness and pedicure time that I spent with my sisters when my crying genes are under control!
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